
Marieta Gabrielyan specializes primarily in civil, administrative, public international, and private law.

She received her education at the Faculty of Law of Yerevan State University, where she served as a legal advisor at the YSU Legal Clinic during her student years. She graduated from the university with honors.

During her studies, she participated in numerous professional courses and moot courts, and was one of the winners of the 2023 Interuniversity Moot Court Competition organized by the Financial System Mediator.

She began her professional experience in the legal field through consulting activities conducted within our team.

Currently, she is a student at the Academy of Advocates of Armenia.

Marieta Gabrielyan

Marieta Gabrielyan

Business lawyer
Family Lawyer,Personal Injury
10 Years
4140 Parker Rd. Allentown, New Mexico 31134
562 744 981


Cameron Williamson proudly works as an Associate in our office where he continues to practice in the areas of business transactions, breach of contract

He grew up in London where he also obtained his Bachelor’s degree in this city. He participated in a pre-law program at his university


  • 2003 - 2007
    Master of Law, 2007. UK University
  • 2007 - 2009
    Admitted to the Bar since 2013
  • 2009 - 2012
    Member of the London City Bar Association
  • 2012 - 2014
    Speaker of GAFTA Professional Development


The first job is an Associate with Amely law firm practicing in risk management litigation in 1992. Since 2011 , he has served as the Practice Group Leader at our law firm with thoroughness

  • Admitted to the Bar since 2013
  • Member of the International Bar Association
  • Member of the London City Bar Association
  • Speaker of GAFTA Professional Development Programmes
Վարազդատ Հարությունյան

Viktoria Gasparyan

Legal Advisor

Viktoria Gasparyan specializes in civil and administrative law.

She received her education at the Faculty of Law of Yerevan State University, graduating with honors in 2022. During her student years, she served as a legal advisor at the YSU Legal Clinic.

She has participated in numerous professional courses and forums, including those organized by the German Foundation for International Legal Cooperation (IRZ) and the Women Rights Center NGO of GIZ Armenia.

She gained her professional experience in the legal field through her work at the First Instance Court of General Jurisdiction of Yerevan and at the “Enterprise Armenia” Foundation (Investment Support Center).

Currently, she is a student at the Academy of Advocates of Armenia.

Վարազդատ Հարությունյան

Janik Ivanyan

Legal Advisor / Attorney

Janik Ivanyan specializes in corporate, contract, and administrative law.

He received his education in law at Yerevan State University, then continued his studies at the University of Warsaw, obtaining a Master’s degree in Management.

He gained his professional experience in the private sector through legal consulting activities.

Since 2023, Janik Ivanyan has been a member of the Chamber of Advocates of Armenia, practicing as an attorney.

Վարազդատ Հարությունյան

Nare Honarchyan

Legal Advisor / Attorney

Nare Honarchyan specializes in criminal law.

She received her education at the French University Foundation in Armenia and holds a Bachelor’s degree in Law.

During her studies, Nare Honarchyan completed legal internships at the Human Rights Defender’s Office of Armenia and the Presidential Administration of Armenia.

She is currently studying in the Master’s program “International Courts and Arbitration” at Yerevan State University.

She gained her professional experience in the private sector, working as an assistant to an attorney.

Since 2023, Nare Honarchyan has been a member of the Chamber of Advocates of Armenia, practicing as an attorney.

Վարազդատ Հարությունյան

Marieta Gabrielyan

Legal Advisor

Marieta Gabrielyan specializes primarily in civil, administrative, public international, and private law.

She received her education at the Faculty of Law of Yerevan State University, where she served as a legal advisor at the YSU Legal Clinic during her student years. She graduated from the university with honors.

During her studies, she participated in numerous professional courses and moot courts, and was one of the winners of the 2023 Interuniversity Moot Court Competition organized by the Financial System Mediator.

She began her professional experience in the legal field through consulting activities conducted within our team.

Currently, she is a student at the Academy of Advocates of Armenia.

Վարազդատ Հարությունյան

Anna Khachatryan

Legal Advisor

Anna Khachatryan specializes in criminal law and corporate law.

She received her education at Yerevan State University and the Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University, graduating from the latter with honors.

She gained her professional experience working as an investigator at the Investigative Committee of Armenia and later continued her legal career at various organizations and companies in Armenia, serving as a legal advisor, lawyer, and director at different consulting firms.

She has participated in professional development and training courses, as well as conferences both in Armenia and abroad.

Specifically, she has completed training and development courses at the Academy of Justice of Armenia, the National Bureau of Expertise, participated in professional discussions organized by the U.S. Embassy in Armenia, and was sent abroad for an exchange of experience through CEPOL (European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Training).

Վարազդատ Հարությունյան

Aram Esayan

Legal Advisor

Aram Esayan is a member of the Fidelis team, specializing in bankruptcy, financial, civil, and administrative sectors.

He received his education at the French University Foundation in Armenia (UFAR) and is a graduate of the V International Youth Scientific School “Innovation Management.”

He gained his professional experience in the judicial and financial systems as well as through private legal consulting activities.

He has worked at the Yerevan First Instance Court of General Jurisdiction, “INECOBANK” CJSC, and the Yerevan Municipality. Aram Esayan is well-acquainted with the judicial system and bankruptcy process regulations.

He has completed legal internships at the Central Bank of Armenia and “AS METAL” LLC, and has participated in several professional forums. He is also a bankruptcy trustee.

Currently, he is a student at the Academy of Advocates of Armenia.

Վարազդատ Հարությունյան

Arman Abrahamyan

Legal Advisor / Attorney

Arman Abrahamyan is one of the legal advisors at Fidelis, specializing in administrative, contract, and corporate law.

He received his education at Lomonosov Moscow State University, graduating with honors. Arman is also a graduate of the Anania Shirakatsy Lyceum. His areas of interest include psychology, chess, volleyball, and more.

He gained his professional experience in the legal field through both public and private legal consulting activities.

Since 2023, he has been a member of the Chamber of Advocates of Armenia, practicing as an attorney.

Վարազդատ Հարությունյան

Sona Khurshudyan

Legal Advisor / Attorney

Sona Khurshudyan is one of the legal advisors at Fidelis, specializing in contract law, corporate law, administrative law, and intellectual property law.

She received her education at the Russian-Armenian University and holds a Master’s degree in Corporate Law with the highest qualification. She also studied at the National Research University “Higher School of Economics” (HSE — St. Petersburg).

She gained her professional experience through corporate client service and private legal consulting activities.

During her studies, Sona Khurshudyan participated in numerous professional courses and moot court competitions, including the “Civil Law Issues” course organized by GIZ Armenia, the Annual Intellectual Property Moot Court Competition, and the interuniversity moot court on criminal law and criminal procedure organized by the Faculty of Law of Yerevan State University and the German Foundation for International Legal Cooperation (IRZ).

Since 2023, she has been a member of the Chamber of Advocates of Armenia, practicing as an attorney.

Վարազդատ Հարությունյան

Հակոբ Արմանդարյան


Ֆիդելիսի իրավաբանական թիմին է միացել 2019 թվականին:

Կրթությունը ստացել է Հայաստանում ֆրանսիական համալսարան հիմնադրամում (UFAR):

Աշխատանքային և իրավաբանական փորձառությունը նախ ձեռք է բերել՝ աշխատելով վարկային կազմակերպությունում: Մասնագիտացել է սնանկության, ժառանգության և սեփականության իրավունքների ոլորտներում: Տիրապետում է ռուսերեն, անգլերեն և ֆրանսերեն լեզուներին:

Վարազդատ Հարությունյան

Hakob Armandaryan

Legal Advisor

Hakob Armandaryan joined the legal team of Fidelis in 2019.

He received his education at the French University Foundation in Armenia (UFAR).

He initially gained his professional and legal experience by working at a credit organization. He specializes in bankruptcy, inheritance, and property law. He is fluent in Russian, English, and French.

Վարազդատ Հարությունյան

Varazdat Harutyunyan

Founder-Partner / Attorney

Varazdat Harutyunyan is one of the founders of Fidelis, specializing in bankruptcy, financial, tax, banking, corporate, and business law. He has extensive experience in protecting personal dignity and good reputation.

He received his education at the French University Foundation in Armenia (UFAR) and holds a Master’s degree in International Private Law with the highest qualification. He is a licensed attorney and a bankruptcy trustee.

He gained his professional experience in the financial system, as well as through private legal consulting and advocacy.

He worked at the Central Bank of Armenia, as well as in several leading commercial banks, holding executive positions. He has provided services to large Armenian and foreign companies and has successfully participated in the judicial protection of legal entities in some former CIS countries.

Varazdat Harutyunyan has undergone training in Armenia and abroad on matters related to tax, bankruptcy, and various branches of private law.

As a bankruptcy trustee, Varazdat Harutyunyan’s total portfolio of funds exceeds 600 million AMD, a significant portion of which is within the scope of corporate financial rehabilitation.

Վարազդատ Հարությունյան

Yesayi Yesayan

Founder-Partner / Attorney

Yesayi Yesayan is one of the founders of Fidelis, specializing in financial, corporate, and business law.

He received his education at the French University Foundation in Armenia (UFAR) and holds a Master’s degree in International Private Law with the highest qualification. He is a member of the Chamber of Advocates of Armenia, practicing as an attorney.

He gained his professional experience in the judicial and financial systems, as well as through private legal consulting and advocacy.

For an extended period, he worked at the Central Bank of Armenia, which helps Esayi Esayan to this day to have a comprehensive understanding of financial system regulations. He has actively participated in efforts to solve systemic issues, was involved in interdepartmental working groups, and participated in legislative and sub-legislative changes.

Esayi Esayan has undergone training in Armenia and in European countries (France, Austria, Netherlands), and has participated in professional forums abroad (United Kingdom, Kyrgyzstan).

Վարազդատ Հարությունյան

Armen Andrikyan

Founder-Partner / Attorney

Armen Andrikyan is a founder-partner at Fidelis and the head of the criminal law department.

He received his education at Yerevan State University and holds a Master’s degree. He is currently continuing his studies at Eurasia International University as a PhD candidate, working on the defense of his dissertation.

Since 2017, he has been a member of the Chamber of Advocates, representing clients in all types of criminal cases.

He began his professional career in 2006, working at the State Customs Committee under the Government of Armenia as a customs inspector in the Anti-Smuggling Department. He received the rank of lieutenant in customs service.

He also worked at the State Commission for the Protection of Economic Competition of Armenia, initially as an expert in the Legal Department and later as an auditor. He also worked in the financial and banking system at “Areximbank-Gazprombank” CJSC and “Kamurj UCO” CJSC as the head of judicial affairs.

Armen Andrikyan also manages the legal team of CPS company.

Since 2021, he has been a board member of “AES Credit” UCO CJSC.

Վարազդատ Հարությունյան

Vladimir Gabrielyan

Executive Director / Attorney

Vladimir Gabrielyan has been the director of Fidelis since 2019, specializing in civil and administrative law.

He received his education at the State University of Economics, Statistics, and Informatics of Moscow in Armenia and holds a Master’s degree in Financial Law. He is a member of the Chamber of Advocates of Armenia, a licensed attorney, and also qualified as a bankruptcy trustee.

He gained his professional experience working for nearly ten years as a senior legal advisor for a major private company, in the judicial system, and through other private legal consulting and advocacy activities.

From 2005 to 2007, he served in the Armed Forces of Armenia.

Վարազդատ Հարությունյան

Վարազդատ Հարությունյան

Հիմնադիր-գործընկեր / Փաստաբան

Վարազդատ Հարությունյանը հանդիսանում է Ֆիդելիսի հիմնադիրներից, ով մասնագիտացած է սնանկության, ֆինանսական, հարկային, բանկային, կորպորատիվ և բիզնես իրավունքների ոլորտներում, ինչպես նաև ունի կուտակված մեծ փորձ անձի արժանապատվության և բարի համբավի պաշտպանության գործերով: Նա կրթությունը ստացել է Հայաստանում ֆրանսիական համալսարան հիմնադրամում (UFAR), ունի միջազգային մասնավոր իրավունքի մագիստրոսի բարձրագույն որակավորման աստիճան, հանդիսանում է արտոնագրված փաստաբան, ինչպես նաև սնանկության գործերով կառավարիչ: Աշխատանքային փորձառությունը ձեռք է բերել ֆինանսական համակարգում, մասնավոր իրավախորհրդատվական և փաստաբանական գործունեության ընթացքում:

Աշխատել է ՀՀ կենտրոնական բանկում, ինչպես նաև մի շարք առաջատար առևտրային բանկերում զբաղեցնելով առաջատար և ղեկավար պաշտոններ: Ծառայություններ է մատուցել Հայաստանյան և արտասահմանյան խոշոր ընկերությունների, հաջողությամբ մասնակցել է իրավաբանական անձանց դատական պաշտպանությանը նախկին ԱՊՀ որոշ երկներում։

Վարազդատ Հարությունյանը վերապատրաստվել է ՀՀ-ում և արտասահմանում՝ հարկային, սնանկության և մասնավոր իրավունքի տարբեր ճյուղերին առնչվող հարցերով։

Որպես սնանկության գործով կառավարիչ Վարազդատ Հարությունյանի կողմից դրամական միջոցների ընդհանուր պորտֆելը գերազանցում է 600 մլն․ ՀՀ դրամը, ընդ որում՝ էական մասը ընկերությունների ֆինանսական առողջացման շրջանակներում։